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27 марта 1922 г. – 103 года открытия XI съезда РКП (б) - последний съезд партии большевиков с участием В.И. Ленина. И.В. Сталин после съезда по предложению В.И. Ленина избран генеральным секретарём ЦК РКП (б). 27 марта 1886 г. – Родился Сергей Миронович Киров – пламенный трибун революции, большевик, друг и соратник И.В. Сталина.

The Programme


The PROGRAMME is accepted by the third Congress of AUCPB 26 February 2000 in Leningrad.

Table of contents.

Part 1. The historical fateful phases of the socialism basis creation.
Part 2. A source of crisis. The bourgeois counter-revolution in the USSR.
Part 3. The party.
Part 4. The dictatorship of the proletariat. Soviets.
Part 5. The relation with political parties and movements.
Part 6. The modern world and anti-imperialist struggle.
Part 7. The purposes and tasks of the AUCPB.
The conclusion.
The notes.

"We don't need the hysterical impulses.
To us it is necessary the measure step of the
proletarian iron battalions."

V.I.Lenin  1


The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (AUCPB), inheriting Bolsheviks' principles of R.S.D.W.P. - R.S.D.W.P.(b) - R.C.P.(b) - AUCP.(b) - of Lenin's course in CPSU, is the highest form of proletarian class organization, advanced detachment of working class acting in the union with peasantry and labor intelligence, standing on the Party's positions, for:
- the gain of political authority - overthrowing the dictatorship of bourgeoisie and establishment dictatorship of proletariat, - the destruction of a private property for instruments and means of production,
- the revival of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics,
- the further strengthening the proletarian dictatorship in interest of complete victory of socialism and gradual transition to the communism.
The ideological and the theoretical basis of AUCPB is made by Marx - Engels - Lenin - Stalin is their doctrine in its creative application and development in modern conditions.
AUCPB is a component of a global communist movement with the goal of communism victory over all planet.

Part 1.
The historical fateful phases of creation the socialism basis.

The Great October Socialist Revolution was victorious and it opened the epoch of antagonism radical solution between the Labor and the Capital. It crushed any exploitation of man by man, social unjustice, wars between nations. The Revolution became a result of natural development of the human society, a result of imperialism particular development in Russia.
By all course of events the Russian proletariat was put forward in the first line of the fighters for world updating. Its vanguard role in global revolutionary process was caused not only by acuteness and focusing in Russia of all internal and global contradictions, but also by resolute demarcation in its labor movement, in contrast with West-European states, between Bolsheviks with its revolutionary and proletarian character and Mensheviks with its petty-bourgeois reformism.
The Bolshevik Party, guided by the theory of Marxism-Leninism founded the ground of philosophy-sociological, political-economic and social-political reason of world-historical mission of working class - the release the Labor from the yoke of the Capital and assertion Peace, Freedom and Equality of all nations.
Overcoming in struggle the antiproletarian movements and currents of social-political ideas, analyzing the internal and foreign-policy situation, the Party of Bolsheviks was enriching constantly its theoretical potential, improved its methodology of revolutionary thinking and acting.
After the victory of the military uprising in Petrograd under the Bolsheviks guidance, the formation of the Soviet authority was passing in fierce class straggle, overcoming the resistance of overthrown exploiter classes.
The world of capital met the appearance of the Soviet State as "a mistake of a history".The new state was hit by foreign military intervention, the Civil War, an economic blockade and internal undermining activity of the anti-Soviet elements, by political provocation and ideological diversions, by the furious attempts to overthrow the Soviet authority. At once the revolution had to study how to protect itself, to mobilize all available forces for defeating of an internal and an external enemy. The victory in the Civil War testified, that the Soviet State and Red Army with honor was survived through the first tests of revolutionary durability.
In process of revolutionary development workers' and peasants' authority takes possession of command heights in economy. Soviet power nationalizes a large-scale industry, banks, transports, communication facilities. It enters monopoly of foreign trade, cancels a private property of land, of tools and means of production. The formation of a new socialist manner of production, a new socialist economical forms and the searches of forms appropriating to its commodity-money relations begins.
The Soviet State from the very beginning did not hide its class-proletarian essence and its predestination to function till to disappearance the society classes' division .
As Mensheviks, socialist- revolutionaries and others petty-bourgeois parties compromised themselves by cooperation with White Guards and interventionists, by participating in anti-Soviet plots, the history fixed for Bolsheviks the leading and guiding role in socialism construction. The formation of the system of one party management of society was dictated also by necessity to overcome the sharp contradictions in economy, social life, politics and ideology in interests of working class.
The bourgeoisie deprived of power and properties met extremely hostilely the state regulation and control of economic activity and land nationalization. This situation forced the proletarian government to proceed for deeper breaking the economic relations, than it was originally supposed by Bolsheviks. During the Civil War the Soviet authority was forced to carry out the politics "of the militarian communism" with its surplus-appropriation system. It was carried out the nationalization of a middle and small-scale production. The private trade was forbidden. The attempts were made to organize economy without a market and a money.
With the ending of the Civil War, with transition to peace work in intense condition the Party managed to make difficult turn from politics "of military communism" to new economic policy (NEP).
"NEP is the Party policy admitting the struggle between socialist and capitalist system and designed for the victory socialist system over capitalist. NEP began with retreat, but it was designed for regrouping forces during the time of retreat and begin attack." 2
NEP put in order the economic relations between a city and a country, gives the ground for union of a working class and a peasantry for socialism construction. A tax in kind is entered in economy. The private capital in the economy and in the trade is supposed. There is a revival of capitalism with the maintaining of the state role in regulating in all kinds of production and trade. For the second year of NEP V.I. Lenin declares, that the period of retreat comes to the end or was over and that now the another purpose is put forward - the regrouping of forces.
NEP has executed its task: the union of working class and peasantry has become stronger with a new basis, the proletariat's dictatorship has got stronger, the Soviet authority has kept in its hands all command position in national economics.
The Party has brought about a fundamental change in economical front - the decisive successes in overcoming after war ruin was achieved and the purpose of the initial accumulation of needed capital was achieved too. It is allowed the Soviet country to proceed for the country industrialization. In political sphere with NEP establishing and the strengthening the proletariat dictatorship the resistance of overthrown by revolution exploiter classes changes its forms, becoming in many kinds more and more fierce.
Murders, arsons, explosions, diversions, plots, acts of sabotage are spread in wide scope. The pressure of capitalist elements are growing and frequently takes form of armed struggle. Inside the country Trotskyst - Zinoviev - Bucharin opposition conducts active struggle against Lenin - Stalin course of socialist construction. They demand restoration of private property of tools and means of production, a dissolution of collective farms and state farms, satisfaction of territorial and economic demands of capitalist states. They fights secretly for capitalist restoration in the country. All these facts are testified that the terms, let off by a history for country radical transformation, are limited and it demanded the forced rates of socialist construction, that inevitably increased its historical costs.
The socialist industrialization has transformed the country in majestic power, capable to supply the further technical progress of the country by its own.
Despite of significant difficulties of accelerated collectivization in agrarian sector, the urgent task of replacement of low-commodity individual economy by the modern large mechanized production was solved. It changed all ways of life in villages.
The cultural revolution liquidated illiteracy and opened a wide space for development of worker's creative forces. The corps of new works-peasants intellegency was generated. The process of economical, social and cultural development of remote national parts of the country was accelerated. The cooperation developed instead of national difference, inequality of nationalities. The fraternal friendship and mutual helps developed too. It meant in practice the realization of the Contract about formation the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic, made in 1922.
The creation of the USSR is a triumph of Lenin-Snalin's national policy, the policy of the proletarian dictatorship state.
Within the first five-years plan the scientific-scheduled control system of the national economy, based on a constant growth of work productivity and a reduction of the cost price of production was formed. A competition, a high productivity work movement, Stachanovite movement became a school of classes education, a school of new labor relations. All these circumstances mobilized masses for new society construction. A lower middle and narrow minded individualism was retreating. A collectivism superseding the individualism found the brightest embodiment in the relation to labor and socialist property. The acts of petty-bourgeois neutrality and indifference to the public property went on a loss. Attempts to spoil the state property or collective and state farms property began to be considered as acts of hostility to the people.
In the middle of thirties in the USSR the powerful socialist industry completely superseded private production. The large mechanized socialist production had victory in agriculture. The public property for means of production ratified as firm basis of a new socialist mode of life in all branches of national economy. These changes has caused also the changes in classes structure of the USSR population. For years of socialist construction the exploiter classes were liquidated in social plan. The internal unity and unknown before solidarity of the Party members created by itself made possible to clear the Party rows from nasty opportunism (Trotskyism and its versions), from left and right deviations. They were defeated as ideology and as organizations. The basis of moral-political unity of society was created.
Deep changes in life of the USSR, the decisive successes in socialism construction in every part of the country received its expression in the new Constitution of the USSR accepted in 1936 by the eighths congress of the Soviets and named in the people as the Stalin's Constitution. The constitution of 1936 has fixed that global-historical fact that the USSR entered in a new stage of development, the stage of the completing construction of the socialist society base.
The frame of mind of millions Soviet people was social optimism based of the future reliance. The governing bodies of CPSU(b) and state, the leading role of the party-state power led by I.V.Stalin got very high authority in the people.
Bravery and courage, firm will and inflexibility in overcoming difficulties, initiative and selflessness, readiness to take risk and to incur responsibility are the basic features of the Soviet men, caused by new epoch and were born by it.
A historical examination of these qualities became the Great Patriotic War, exposed to severe test to all spheres of socialist society and the state ability to live.
During the war the socialism was undergone by unprecedented cruelty examination of durability. Carried out the hardest losses per the first months of the war and evacuated on the East, the industry provided with everything needed for the gigantic front of armed struggle, having achieved the double superiority over military production of Germany and production of European countries occupied by Germany. Besides the USSR was the unique struggling country, where the cost price of arms was constantly reduces. The collective and state farms supplied front and home front with foodstuffs and raw materials without interruption.
The Soviet science has ensured the qualitative superiority in military engineering and technology of military production. Taking heart courage in fights with fascists the Red Army and Fleet with mass heroism of their fighting men had overcome the unfavorable firstly the war proceedings and defeated severely the aggressor in its own den. The Soviet patriotism, a moral-political unity of Soviet Society and friendship of all nations of the USSR became the determining factors of the Victory. The Bolsheviks Party led by I.V.Stalin has ensured the highest level of the guidance of the people in war. But on the battles fields the core of the Party were lost - 3,5 millions from five millions party members - the most active and selflessness part of the builders and defenders of the new system of life. Further it will be one of the reasons of opportunism regenerating in CPSU.
By the victory in the war the USSR has brought the decisive contribution in liberation of European nations and in life-saving of global civilization. The utter defeat of the fascist Germany and military Japan has opened new opportunities for people's struggle for Peace, Democracy, national liberation and socialism. The roots of colonial system of imperialism were cut out. The victory of the Soviet people in the bloody war has lifted highly the international authority of our Native Land. The working people saw that the our country was their protector and hope and was not only for them but for everybody who was oppressed and exploited. The conditions for global socialist system formation were created and they were born as a historical child of the international working class.
The progressiveness and the viability of socialist mode of life were shown already in the first after war decade. For the first five-years plan the Soviet State could completely restore the national economy, destroyed by the war, to achieve qualitative changes for the better development of industrial production, did not allow backing from advanced capitalist countries in scientific and technical progress, to put foundation of rocket-nuclear potential, becoming an insuperable barrier in preparation of imperialism for new aggression against our country and countries of our allies.
Per fifty years the industrial production of the Soviet Union achieved the first place in Europe and second place in the world. The first in the world it refused from rationing system. It carried out annually the prices reduction and quickly filled with the first rate goods the shop shelves. The achieved successes testified about creation in the USSR the powerful economic base of socialism, which guaranteed to each citizen of the country the right to work, the right for free of charge education, the right to medical aid, the right to dwelling, a social help in illness and in old age. The achievements of the economical base of socialism was guaranteed by means of honesty working, by material and cultural well-being. The level of life was most possible in accordance with achieved level of the society productive forces. In that period of time the concrete- historical modification of goods-money, "markets" relations was put in life. The modification, corresponding basically to socialization of the means of production, when they are being removed from use , as GOODS, and do not participate in barter.
The rise of self-conscioness caused by the Victory, has ensured outstanding achievement of the Soviet literature and art, blossom of education and culture. Abroad it is begin talking about "Russian miracle".
The war has allowed to the international imperialism to get rid from its the most reactionary structures, to rearrange its forces, to use an advantageous position of the USA in after war world and to impose the socialism to the ruinous race of arms. Thus the main resisting to each other social economic system were again put in unequal conditions of global-historical competition.
By the policy "of the cold war" the Soviet Union was compelled to spent its significant resources for strengthening its military power, leaning on its own possibilities and simultaneously to render the international help to the nations choosing the socialist way of development.
The socialism constructed in condition "of the beleaguered fortress", even being burden by the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois survivals in the economy , the policy, the ideology and the culture, could to transform the country in the Great Power, headed the global progress.
The socialism perfection and development with its own base were an agenda of that days. It was needed to socialism to clean itself from some defects inherited from capitalism, by solving the arising contradictions in interests of the workers and overcoming the real difficulties. It was impossible without such measures to achieve the new level of civilization development - the communist formation.
These questions became the main subjects of discussion on the Nineteenth Congress of CPSU (5-14 of October, 1952) on which the decision of the Party Program processing was accepted. The fundamental tenets of I.V.Stalin's work "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR" should be taken for the basis of the program. The Program should generalize the saved experience of socialism construction and on the base of Marxist-Leninist methodology to plan the main directions of the Party activity for the fastest solving of all questions, put by life in the fields of economy, social sphere, the policy, international relations.
But after I.V.Stalin death the Menshivism, as seemed defeated in 1934-1937, unexpectedly has rised its head and it has received the second breath in Chruschev's criticism of so-colled "a cult of Stalin's person" (The Twenty Congress of CPSU, 25.02.1956) becoming an ideological overture of restoration processes.
The unbridled, not having anything common with history, the anti-Stalin company developed after The Twenty Congress of CPSU, has resulted in a blow to the Party and the socialism prestige. It brought to serious difficulties in the global communist movement, to the confrontation with the communist party of China, to statements of socialism opponents in the countries of people's democracy of Eastern Europe.
The Twenty Congress of CPSU became the starting point of inner counter-revolution forces activization in the USSR, which will be carried by Gorbachev.

Part 2
Sources of crises.
Bourgeois counterrevolution in the USSR.

The sources of the bourgeois counterrevolution which won in the USSR temporally had deep roots into histories of the struggle between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. It was never stopping from the first days of creation of Russian Social-Democratic Worker's Party (RSDWP), but depending from historical period the struggle was changing its forms of display. The proletariat's, Bolsheviks', Lenin's line resulted in victorious the Great October Revolution. Resisting to it Mensheviks', petty-bourgeoisie's line, which sustained a defeat in 1917, never stopped the struggle against Bolshevism for the taking the authority and for the capitalism restoration in the country.
The defeat of Menshevism in 1934 - 1937 ensured the cleaning of the Parties' members and the governing bodies of the country from "the fifth column". Therefore the Party and the People acted COMMONLY against the fascist aggression and won in the Great Patriotic War.
The international imperialism failed to win the war and had victory against the Soviet State in open army struggle. After the Second World War it imposed to the Soviet Union the wearisome policy of "cold war", drained the blood of the national economy. The imperialism made the main stake to decomposition of the Soviet Society from within through the regeneration of the Party-Soviet bodies, through the ideological depravity and the treachery of the elite intelligation, through the transformation of the revolutionary proletarian socialism in consumer socialism, which naturally should result and resulted in bourgeois counterrevolution.
For realization of the ominous plan of the Soviet Society decomposition, for preparing and controlling of the inner counterrevolution forces the international imperialism used nationalist and Zionist organizations, which were being kept by imperialism money and it also used the forces of the widely ramified network of the White Guard emigration's agents and the forces of deserting to the West during the war and after the war traitors of the Socialist Mother Land and dissident movement.
All these components of "the fifth column" worked actively on positions of the strengthening of the capitalist restoration in all territory of the USSR. 3.
At the time of "Chruschev's thaw" the attacks on socialism begun on three main directions: an ideology, a policy, an economy.
The revisionism begun to wash out the fundamental tenets of Marxist-Lenin's theory. The opportunism was partly rehabilitated. The mass replacement of the Soviets' and the Party's staffs begun. Teachers of public sciences were replacement too with accusation of "dogmatism" and "Stalinism". They were subjected prosecution and moral terror.
The economy began to focus not to reduction of the cost price and increase production of high quality cheap goods for more complete satisfaction of the people's needs, but to reception of the profit by any cost, basically at the expense of various sorts of frauds. The development of national economy slowed down. The funds return fell down. The ruble was depreciating little by little. The constant Stalin's price reduction was changed to prices increasing of the subjects of people's consumption. The production of cheap assortment goods were going away. The scientific and technical progress was slowing down. The work productivity was falling down.
The machine and tractor stations were liquidated in agriculture. That destroyed the ties between the cooperative, collective farms and state property. The collective farms without state financing could not supply themselves with new equipment and spare parts.
The productivity of work in collective and state farms became chronically unprofitable without new agricultural engineering and was not able to increase its productivity. The amalgamation of collective farms did not give an economic benefit.
The truncation of the personnel plots of collective farmers, the reduction of cattle total number belonging to the collective farmers brought to negative results in supplying towns with agricultural production. The capital investments in virgin and long-fallow lands had its result that thousand collective farms of Russian Non-Black Earth Zone declined its production. The grain crops of virgin lands were ruined because the absence of conditions for its collection and storage. The grain purchases from abroad began. 4
The processes initiated in economy by Chruschev's period of time can be characterized as a beginning of destruction of socialism economic basis.
The gradual refusal from socialist principles in economy was carried out with accordance to the Instructions and Decisions of the Government. So in May of 1953 the productions of a heavy industry was included in the good-money relations and in September of 1957 all instruments and means of production were included in system of good-money relations. It gave open space for abusing in finance and economic. The "shadow" economics inducing the private enterprises' elements accelerated the forces of initial capital accumulation. The corrupted bureaucrats made close contact with "shadow" economic and together with an intelligence, becoming bourgeois, made an antisocialist, antinational block.
In the society the professional-property and social-cultural differentiation was picking up speed and the distance between high and underpaid persons was growing. It appeared the "returnable" classes formation.
Under covering antiStalin's hysteria the Lenin-Stalin's fundamental tenet about aggravation of classes struggle during the socialism construction was rejected.
A political superstructure of a society was degrading gradually. The working class was pushed aside from state policy and therefore the state policy loose its stability and condemned to hesitate in accordance with the hesitation of "the general line of the Party". The prestige of the highest political leaders of the country was falling. The bureaucratic governing bodies grown more then three times in comparison with Stalin's time. The moral stimulus to work were loosing its importance for the people. The indifference and then the disgust were born for all official and a social. The infringements of labor discipline, a corruption and a ransacking of the national property were growing part by part.
The proletarian state was transformed to the state of "all people". The CPSU was named as the party of "all people". The highest governing Bodies of the Party were breaking the contact with the masses of communists. They took the great interest in papers creation and in privileges invention for themselves. There was a discredit of Lenin's doctrine about the Party and there were blows to the Party prestige. The Party was littered up by anti-parties elements.
The increasing of the negative processes in the society and in the economy could be stopped and the serious mistakes of Chruschev's management might be improved and the political course of the country might be changed substantially by reconsidered of the Party Programme, accepted on the Twenty Second Congress of the Party. (October 17 - 31, 1961) It was needed to tell openly and directly to the Party, to the working class, to all workers about committed errors. However the Plenum of the Central Committee of CPSU (October, 1964) heaving dismissed Mr.Chruschev from all posts had not undertaken resolute actions. Brejnev's Party Governing Bodies continued the former Chruschev's course, only cosmetically corrected it. "Kosygin's" economic reform in 1965 speed up the transition of socialist economy to the relies of goods-money CAPITALISTIC relations.
At the same time the base of socialism laid in Stalin's time was so powerful, that despite of the serious deformation in economy and a deviation from Bolshevism in the policy of Chruschev-Brejnev's management of CPSU, in the USSR by 1985 in relation to 1940, the year before the war, the national income increased in 16,8 times, the productivity of work - in 12.6 times, the real incomes by a person of population - in 6,5 times. In 1988 the USSR was at the first position in the world and in Europe in the volume of the major kinds of industrial and agricultural production. The consumption of major kinds of foodstuff for one person of the population was at a level or even higher than in advanced capitalistic countries.
According to the experts' appraising in the middle of 80-th the economic safety factor of the USSR was sufficient up to the end of the century despite of the developing crisis phenomena, which expressed itself in a production stagnation, in scientific and technical progress stopping. The growing of worker's well-being was stopping too as a result of a deep antagonism between of the socialism productive forces and capitalism economic relations, violently introduced to the society.
However, the sharpest necessity of prompt cleaning from stagnant processes and returning to Lenin-Stalin's course of socialism development was substituted effectively by declaration of pseudo-revolutionary reorganization at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (April, 1985). Instead of putting in progress the basic socialist principle - the distribution of all material wealth products in a society performs in conformity with the quantity and quality of made work, the course was be taken to change the FORM of PROPERTY. It meant the complete refusal of socialism, the restoration of capitalistic mode of life.
The restoration was not predetermined by a history. It was caused by the situation that in the highest party and soviet governing Bodies in after war-time there were not persons with desires and forces to be at the head of socialist transformations. There was no person adequate of time and greatness of tasks which were being solved by the people of the mighty socialist supercountry - the USSR. Moreover the highest members of CPSU became the main driving forces of the counterrevolution.
Infringements of Lenin-Stalin's principles of the national policy, the ignoring of the basic Marxism tenet of national relations, caused the nationalism of the governing party Bodies in national republics. The members of these Bodies overcame to bourgeois positions with developing separatist intentions which in final account were the cause of growing up the disorder conditions in the Soviet Union. The nationalism which grown up in the depth of socialism became the lever of the USSR disintegration. 5.
The bourgeoisie counterrevolution, proclaimed as a "reorganization" (perestroyka) resulted as disorder in the superstate, as a poverty more then 80-th percent of the country population, as losses of all gains of socialism obtained by the heavy self-denying work of three generations of the soviet people, as restoration of the wild criminal mafiosi capitalism and in some former allied republics as restoration of semifeodal capitalism.
In the external policy the principle of peaceful coexistence as a form of classes struggle in the sphere of international relation was put aside. Marxist-Lenin's basic principle of proletarian internationalism loosed its importance or was completely ignored in external relations. As a result of such policy at one hand the hegomonism and the treachery appeared in politics with the countries of peoples democracy that were causes the ending of friendly relations with socialist states. And at the other hand that gave to western countries unjustified concessions in question of disarmament and in strategy of the state safety. The governing Bodies of the State were not be able to counteract effectively against an imperialism intervention in an internal life of the USSR under a false pretext of the control of "observance of man's rights" in the Soviet union. By inevitable result of this policy was demolition of military balance in the world, which had been achieved in the middle of 80-th and to a change of forces parity for the benefit of the USA and its allies.
The models of USSR destruction were tested by imperialism in practice in Yugoslavia (1948), GDR (1953), Hungary (1956), Czechoslovakia (1958), Poland (1974), in countries of National Democracy of East Europe (1989).
Being under rusty destruction of Chruschev's revisionism during thirty years the Soviet society in 1985 was prepared psychologically for recognition of the "reformers-democrats'" counterrevolutionary demagogy.
At this time the CPSU was transformed by its leaders in social-democratic, neo-mensheviks party. It was a conglomerate of various, mutually excluded each others ideological platforms from anti-Communists - "democrats" (democratic platform), up to social-democrats of different colors, centrists, marxsists-antiStalinists (Marxist platform) and Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks platform). Having scattered in November of 1991 after an interdiction of CPSU activities the former party became a base for creation many different parties.
Actually the reorganization (perestroyka), the bourgeoisie counterrevolution, was opened with the powerful ideological preparation, which at once took the state scales. Having begun as antiStalin hysteria, it quickly transformed to antiLenin campaign and to anticommunist proclaiming. Marxsism-Leninism by nobody being critically overcome and only by political reasons was put aside. Hastily some antiscientific, opportunistic, revisionist domestic and foreign dogmas were gathered and were proclaimed as the last words in the public science.
The idealistic and metaphysical concepts of the modern bourgeoisie philosophy and sociology took roots instead of dialectical and historical materialism. The religious-mystical world outlook was propagandized. The scientific communism was abolished. It was replaced by foreign polytology and by false concepts of a post industrial society.
The classes angle for estimation of a history and of today situation was rejected completely. It was replaced by the "all mankind" principle, acting as "a new political thinking", as an ordinary bourgeois's or narrow citizens point of view.
The Parties principles in socio-economic, political and spiritual activity was replaced to pseudo-pluralism, an eclecticism, a sophistry, a willfulness without limits of theoretical ideas, which had been torn off from reality.
The CLASS'S OUTLOOK was changed behind the screen of deideologization. The bourgeoisie nationalism, a chauvinism, a cosmopolitanism and even a fascism were justified and "proved". Many reactionary imaginations, Utopias were called and thrown to the "market of ideologies" to confuse the people and disorient them about the real meaning of "the reforms".
As a result of such policy the mass media became anti-Soviet. The main result of the peoples' ideological treatment with the help of mass media was the splitting of public conscience with the losses of ideological bases and orientations for a significant social activity.
Contingently it is possible to allocate the following stages of bourgeois counterrevolution in the USSR:
The SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC STAGE of the bourgeoisie reformation was carried out under demagogic slogans of "more socialism", "for humane, democratic socialism", "for socialism with the humane face".
The breaking with scientific-planning system was completed in the sphere of economy and production control. It was carried out the transition to market elements of premonopoly capitalism. The money of "shadow" economy was washing up through cooperative societies. The speculation of all kinds was legalized. The market of labor and capital is taking force. The part of paid labor of workers was sharply reduced. The level of workers' exploitation was growing. The neo-buorgeoisie was legalized and constituted as class. The monopoly of foreign trade, the banks activities, the credit and monetary systems destroyed. The state enterprises and collective farms were purposely put in a position of a bankruptcy. There was a pursuit for profit by all possible means and by growing prices without limits. The galloping inflation put in progress. The external state debt and huge deficiency of the budget were growing up.
The private property on the land and violent farms organizing were put in action. Therefore there was sharp shortages of agricultural production. The large purchases of food abroad began. It put the country in complete dependence upon western countries. The food safety of the country was broken. It was injurious export of raw material and capitals abroad. The technical progress was stopped. The national education, the highest school, the medicine, the science, the culture were in a state of extreme decline. The defense industry was destroyed under the slogan of "conversion" The Armed Forces, The Rights defending Bodies were subordinated to "the new owners of life". It was the disorder of the state. The wave of criminality covered the country.
The social and political structures were under progressing class regeneration. The elite of intelligence, the lobby of businessmen and declassed demagogues were united in political parties and anticommunist movements.
The export of bourgeoisie counterrevolution to the East European countries of socialism was carried out by Gorbachev's followers (so-called velvet revolution). As a result the global socialist system was easing. The complicated situations were arising in international communist movement. The sharp changes were in correlation of forces in global arena in the benefit of the USA.
The ties between the Soviet republics were distroyed with "a war of sovereignties", with "a war of lows" and with bourgeoisie's constitution acceptance. The integral economic complex of the country was finished. It caused the interethnic separation, arms conflicts growing in some regions of the country. The introduction of the president's institution in the country and in some republics meant counterrevolutionary changes in the political superstructure of the society.
AUGUST of 1991. The POLITICAL REVOLUTION was organized by the "democrats'" provocation and by the help of the State Commission on introduction of the Extreme Rule in the state. And as a conclusion it was CONCENTRATION OF POWER in the hands of NEOBUORGEOUSIES' PROTEGES.
THE SECOND STAGE (August, 1991 - October, 1993). It was being the STRUGGLE FOR POWER BETWEEN PETTY AND LARGE-SCALE BOURGEOISIE. The victory was on the side of the LARGE-SCALE BOURGEOISIE.
The activities of CPSU was prohibited. The anticonstitutional agreement of three presidents of Russia, Byelorussia and Ukraine (Byelovejsk agreement) disorganized the soviet Union in several "sovereign states" (December 8, 1991.) The agreement had been taken against the will of the most people of the country. The people's desire to live in the united state, the USSR, was confirmed by All-Union referendum (March 17, 1991)
It was carried out by the government the forced capitalization or "shock therapy", the mass privatization of industrial enterprises, energy systems, allotments of lands. Therefore the property of all nations became private. "Privatizators" were able to buy at low cost the huge national property as a result of mad inflation. The accelerated privatization was finishing for 2-3 years with the socialism economic basis. There were fast growth of private enterprises and banks quantity and mass export of Capitals abroad. The state enterprises and banks functioned already as state-capitalistic property. It was an intermediary step to complete privatization and strengthening of a private property. The former collective and state farms were transformed with the capitalistic laws and market relation into joint-stock capitalistic companies ( a collective-capitalistic property).
The distribution, the exchange, the consumption of a national product was not carried out with conjunction by performed work but by the capital investment. It was accompanied by the growing of social intensity and the sharp falling of a living standards of the citizens main part.
The formation of state-monopolistic capital was beginning in Russia since 1993. The numbers of finance-industrial groups (FIG) - the super-monopolies uniting concerns, syndicates, holdings and so on were growing up. Holdings of banks were organizing. The state-monopoly capital was pressing on middle business and petty enterprises. A foreign, a national comprador capital and former party-nomenclature's of CPSU capital were uniting in FIG. Economic and political elite were joining together.
The FIG and financial oligarchy formation was accompanied by constant regroupings inside the economical governing bourgeoisie, by struggle for influence not only in financial and economic sphere, but also in political sphere of the society. Externally it was shown in wrangles between "democrats" - the followers of middle and free business - and bourgeoisie's patriots, followers of Supreme State Power, in State Duma, in wrangles between the Bodies of executive (the president, the Prime Minister) and the legislative (The State Duma) authorities.
On September - October 1993 such wrangle was ended by a large bloodshed in Moscow. The building of the Supreme Soviet was shot with tanks cannons and with thousand corpses. The Supreme Soviet even already had become Parliament, did not suit the state-monopoly capital. And with Eltzin's help the Soviets were eliminated by methods of force. The LARGE SCALE CAPITAL ARRIVED ON POLITICAL ARENA.
Banks and FIGs were enlarging. Middle and Petty business were submitting to monopolies. The large scale capital of Russia was connecting with transnational monopolies of West countries. It was spreading very quickly. Joint financial and industrial giants were creating in the country. After two-three years of spontaneous-market capitalism functioning an imperialism appeared in Russia. It needed in powerful state - the political committee of economic affairs of the ruling class. The attempts were undertaken to increase a regulating role of the state in economy, where to supermonopolies and to the largest banks were destined the role of basic capitalistic structures in society. The struggle for superprofits and for redistribution of the property in the territory of the former the USSR externally developed as an aggravation of interethnic relations which frequently was resulted with armed conflicts. So the state-monopoly capital of Russia put hands on bloody conflict in Chechnia, where interests of Russia and Chechen Mafia structures met with interests of international oil-extraction corporations. The course was taken to establish an authoritarism and to restrict a bourgeoisie democracy in policy. And in ideology the course was taken for transition to ideas of the State Holding Supreme Power in the state system and to bourgeoisie patriotism.
It was 1996. The western countries did not need in powerful imperialistic colossus arising on the basis of the integrated socialist economy of the superstate as a competitor. Therefore, some legislation acts and measures were accepted by the initiative of western's economical "advisers" from close Eltzin's circle (which were paid by our country) with our own "reforms" designers. These acts and measures were directed for distraction the developing FIG, financial empires, on compulsory bankruptcy of enterprises and banks with the subsequent splitting them to the small enterprises. The parts of our industrial giants were selling to private persons who in most cases were dummies of foreign financial and industrial circles. Through the antimonopoly legislation and the artificial bankruptcy systematic destruction of the Soviet mechanical engineering leaders and destruction of military industrial complexes (MIC) were carried out. The most modern and advanced scientific-industrial combines were destroyed through refusal from state financing. A large number of mines obtaining unique natural minerals were closed. There were closing a number of the most progressive scientific-research directions in research institutes of different branches of industry. Simultaneously the intensive recruitment and mass export of the highly qualificated experts were taken to work abroad.
The mass closing of the enterprises, miners, research institutes resulted in the rise of unemployment, in deprivation of the large scale of people from any means of existence. The constant unpaying of wages, pensions, grants gave a sharp aggravation of social intensity in a society, strengthening opposition of classes. In the economy, in the finance sphere, in the policy, in the ideology, in the state system were developed the phenomena of the deep crisis. The church became the influential force in the state. It was accepting the most active role in bourgeoisie reforming.
The global capitalist system, inclined itself in the long crisis, was not able to finance constantly the counterrevolution in the territory of the former USSR.
Since August of 1998 there was a further developing of crisis of counterrevolution. The collapse of ruble rate in relation to dollar in four times resulted in the sharp burst of social intensity in the society. In Russian dollarising economics such event distracted weak sprouts of arising middle class. The inflation was spreading out quickly with the background of recession proceeding of the industry which was working on one third of its capacity. An agriculture, a private bank system were under disorder. 1999.
The authority was in catastrophic situation. The mass media was playing with the population and deceived it with the help of disinformation. Some times the mass media passed to extreme anti-Communist, anti-Soviet, Russian phobia hysteria. The attempts were undertaken by demand of western countries and the International Monetary Fond (IMF) to rescue "a course of reforms". For this purpose the searching of "a firm hand" was carried out. At the same time the reshuffle of the prime ministers and their cabinets were undertaken. The preschedule Eltzin's resignation and appointment to its place the former prime minister Vladimir Putin was made for the sake of counterrevolution rescue. The national chauvinism mood was encouraged in the society and the new military adventure in Chechnia was organized to popularize Putin's image.
The processes of "a firm hand" searching for the authority preservation, the attempts to bargain between a comprador and national bourgeoisie were proceeding with outstripping or dropping behind from Russia over all former Allied Republics.
The years of the counterrevolution, the years of the country economic destruction and the deepest crisis in all spheres of society's ability to live resulted not only in sharp number reduction of workplaces or in reduction in 4 - 5 times the number of working class, but also in its qualification change. The growth of unemployment, the reduction of the industrial workers densities with increase of small retail trade workers and workers of a service sphere strengthened the influence of petty bourgeoisie psychology among workers, promoted deadening their class self- consciousness.
Because of disorder in the USSR, sharp easing of Russian Federation, global general crisis of capitalistic system deepening, the aggression of the USA in external policy increased. The attempts of unlashing armed conflicts took places in different regions of the world. They might be fraught with its development to be the centers of the third world war beginning. Only the USSR revived through the socialist revolution, could be covering force to ways of human civilization distraction. The revolution should be carried out under the management of the communist Bolsheviks party, the revolutionary party of the working class. The USSR should occupy its primordial place in front of antiimperialistic struggle of all world people.


All experience of public development shows, that the working class can execute its historical mission to be a capitalist grave-digger only if it opposes to bourgeoisie, being organized in national and international scale and being more powerful force by its organization. The proletariat can gain a victory above a bourgeoisie only by existence the revolutionary party free from a revisionism, an opportunism and a reformism. The party should be irreconcilable in relation with compromisers and capitulators, should be revolutionary in relation with a bourgeoisie and with its state power.
The party of a working class arises naturally in a course of a proletariat class struggle. It is an essence of working movement connection with scientific socialism.
The political party of a working class - the communist party. It is the party of a vanguard, revolutionary type. At all stages of class struggle for power and socialism construction the party should carry out four main functions:
1. theoretical - it should work out and develop Marx-Lenin's theory,
2. political - it should draw up internal and external economic and military policy, social and national policy.
3. ideological - it should propagandize and agitate all peoples to take part in struggle for power and further to take part in socialism construction,
4. organizing - it should organize peoples to struggle for power and further to socialism and communism construction.
The creation of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was prepared by activity of all-Union Society "Unity - for Leninism and communist ideals" and Bolsheviks' platform of CPSU. The constituted congress of AUCPB (November, 8, 1991) declared the inheritance by the Party the Bolshevik's tradition, the tradition of Lenin-Stalin's course of struggle and socialism construction.
Forming its social base, AUCPB incorporates in its members the best, the most conscious part of the working class, peasantry and labor intelligence, who stands on class position of the proletariat.
Being the Party of a working class, the AUCPB improves constantly such working classes' quality belonging to them, as an orderliness, a discipline, a collectivism, a proletarian internationalism, classes' consciousness, a readiness for self-sacrifice, a disinterestedness and others.
The constant and daily task of inner-party work consists of education of each Bolshevik of irreconcilability to all forms of man by man's oppression, of education of selflessly servicing to the cause of the working class, to the cause of all workers of education of a fidelity to Marx - Lenin's theory and creative relation to it with skills to use it in practice, of education of irreconcilability to an opportunism and a revisionism in all its forms, of education of the highest degree organization which is based on principles of the democratic centralism, by the conscious of the party discipline, by the party members' solidarity and unity, by an indissoluble connection with the people.
The principles of AUCPB organization formulated and fixed in its Charter are determined by an ideological-theoretical position of the Party and its classes nature and a revolutionary character. The real forms in which these principles are realized follow from concrete political conditions.
The AUCPB considers that it is very useful to make periodic cleanings in its rows from alien elements of the Party. Simultaneously the AUCPB conducts an active work to widen its rows by increasing numbers of its members and to increase its influence through all territory of the former the USSR. The Party is interested to unite in its rows all forces which are political mature, truthful, moral healthy and life-asserting.
The AUCPB being guided by the doctrine of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin puts to its purpose to bring the proletariat and its allies to the victory in battle over the bourgeoisie, to the socialism construction through a gain of political power, to establishment the dictatorship of the proletariat.


The proletariat's dictatorship is a state power of a working class. It is the system of an economical, a political, an ideological, a social, a scientific, a cultural, legal rules and norms expressing proletariat's interests and the interests of its allies - a peasantry and labor intelligence. This system can not be share with somebody and it is supporting by centralized organization of force.
K.Marx and F.Engels proved scientifically the necessity and the inevitability of proletariat's dictatorship during a transition from a capitalism to the society without classes.
The proletariat's dictatorship can not be canceled and or be eliminated by somebody. It will transformed gradually to rules and principles of self-management and communist's hostels which are voluntary carried out by everybody with society's aspiration to communism.
The Soviets of all level became historically the state form of proletariat's dictatorship in the USSR. The Soviets even at the lowest position are formed by territorial-industrial principle. The Soviets of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies as the universal, the most mass and democratic organization of all working people are provided the state guiding of all working people by the side of the working class.
The proletariat's dictatorship in the form of Soviets is a new form of democracy - proletarian democracy, the democracy for interests of the working people majority in contrast with bourgeoisie democracy which defends interests of minority - exploiter classes and theirs accomplices.
It is possible to establish the proletariat's dictatorship only by means of the Socialist revolution, as the bourgeoisie never gives power back in a peace way.
The Socialist revolution can be carried out only if a revolutionary situation exists and if the maturity of the objective and subjective factors is exists too. The objective factors are the next:
1. the intensive rise of the revolutionary movement among the widest layers of the workers ("the people of the bottom do not want to live in an old fashion"),
2. the aggravation of economical and political crisis in such forms that the power begins escape from the hands of the ruling bourgeoisie regime ( "the rulers can not rule in an old fashion").
The subjective factors are the next:
1. the communist party exists and is ready to be in the head of the struggle for power in union with the peasantry and the labor intelligence,
2. if there is no revolutionary situation the party should carry out an agitation and a propaganda of the Soviets idea and organize a struggle to gain a power by the Soviets.

Part 5.

The AUCPB is constructing its relation with other political parties and movements by the classes contents of such parties, taking into account a developing political situation at each concrete historical moment.
After the counterrevolution victory in the USSR and termination of the CPSU activity in the territory of the USSR, a large number of communist parties arose, differing by their relation to the property of production means, by the estimation of the socialist state history and possible ways of power reaching, by the relation to the proletariat's dictatorship.
These parties appearing in Ukraine, in Byelorussia and the Baltic states, in Central Asia and Transcaucasia reflects not only ideological hesitation of former ruling CPSU, but also reflects complications of after-Soviets bourgeoisie societies' social structures, disorder of different social layers and groups' interests. Anti-Marx and anti-Lenin's ideas dominate frequently in the program documents of these parties.
These ideas were overcome even in RCDWP - AUCP(b) in 1903-1952
Ideological outlooks and program documents of these parties are burdened by the weight of an opportunism, a revisionism, a conciliation, a petty-bourgeoisie revolutionary, an anarcho-sindicakism, an disposition to engage in ventures and also by the weight of anti-Stalinism (permission of multiway economic with a private property for means of production and lands, an existence of the market relations between enterprises of all forms of property, an idea of anarcho-sindicalism about the transition of production means to hands of labor collectives, a fear of revolutionary forms of struggle and a mistake of an opportunity to gain a power by a parliamentary way, an adventurism in policy and double-dyed anti-Stalinism.)
The AUCPB resolutely condemns a political spineless, a poseurness and an intriguing, unprincipled struggle for the power and a time-serving. These characteristics are existed in a revisionism and an opportunism's nature in communist movement. Their characteristic features and particularities are using in every possible way to deceit and to disorient a public opinion about their original purposes in after-Soviet and global communist movement.
The general political strategy of opportunists and revisionists is directed to disorder of the communist movement with the purpose to submit it to their interests. The former party nomenclature wants to hold the governing positions in all parties, which in any cases serve to capitalistic regimes in the former allied republics becoming the independent states.
The AUCPB admits some compromises in relation with such parties if these compromises do not touch the basic Marx-Lenin's theory tenets. At the same time the AUCPB conducts and will conduct a consecutive and a irreconcilable struggle with the opportunism, the anarcho-sindicalism, the menshevism, Trotskyism, with any attempts to distract the Bolshevik movement.
    The AUCPB confirms its basic tenet, that the Party supports all forces of opposition under condition of:
  1. if they declare of their determined transition to the side of socialistic choice,
  2. if they do not put forward in their programs the measures contradicting to the interests of a working class.
The AUCPB in relation with liberal-bourgeoisie's parties should solve the task of explanation the anti-workers character of bourgeoisie-democrat's political proceedings in all its displays, beginning from moderate-liberal and finishing the most reactionary. The AUCPB conducts and will conduct the resolute struggle against any attempts of bourgeoisie's democrats to use the working movement in theirs purposes, subordinating to their interests and to act from working movement's name.
The AUCPB in relation with social-democrats parties and the other petty-bourgeoisie parties considers that it is necessary to show constantly practical results of their activity for political education the wide people's masses. It is necessary for the AUCPB to oppose against hypocritical social-democrat's phraseology and put forward a consecutive proletarian democratism, exposing distributed by social-democrat's parties parliamentary illusions. The AUCPB should fight against a domination of these parties under petty-bourgeoisie's citizens of towns and villages. The AUCPB will aspire to put out the left social-democrats from influence and management of right parties. It will compel the parties of left social-democracy make choice between social-democracy and communist's policy and of communist's perspective.
Struggling for the influence above people's masses communist parties will polarize inevitably by two basic directions: the Bolshevism and the menshevism. The menshevism is an opportunistic direction. The Bolshevism direction will lead the working class and their allies to the victory of socialist revolution. The followers of the second direction (the menshevism) will convert into accomplices and conductors of capitalistic policy.
Struggling for the influence to the majority of the working class, for the involving of the working classes' the most active parts in direct struggle , the AUCPB supposes that the important task is the active work inside existing masses trade unions which is standing for reformism positions now and the other task is to carry out in them persevering and purposeful work to turn them to the side of AUCPB ideas. The AUCPB supports and identify itself with all protests action, directed against ruling bourgeoisie's regimes. It supports all economical requirements of such actions and helps to transform economical strikes into political and revolutionary actions of masses.
The basic direction of the AUCPB activity in the communist movement is to make it the Bolshevization. It means to return it to the communist movement to the theory and the practice of Marxism-Leninism adequate to requirements of our time. The first of all the Bolshevization is the course of the revolutionary changing of the present bourgeoisie's social-economical system.
The Bolshevization means the struggle irreconcilable and without compromises with opportunism and revisionism.
The victory of the proletarian revolution is impossible without ideological rout of the petty-bourgeoisie's parties, which acting in rows of the working class and pushing it to bourgeoisie's embraces and destroying in such way its unity.
"Having in its own rows reformers, mensheviks it is impossible to win in the proletarian revolution, it is impossible to defend it". V.I.Lenin 6


The capitalism which achieved monopolistic stage of its development could not solve the basic contradictions between public character of production and private-capitalistic form of work result assignment. The huge majority of the world working population being without the means of production are exploited severely. Bourgeoisie feeds up only a small part of the workers, so called "workers' aristocracy" allocating to them a particle of their superprofits. The bourgeoisie is interested in splitting and destroying the working movement. The bourgeoisie made attempts to solve problems of antagonism between the Labor and the Capital, to solve problems of a social inequality, a problem of an unemployment, of poverty. The attempts failed even in advanced countries of state-monopolistic capitalism.
The all history of the imperialism as the last stage of capitalism is filled with lies and blood. The imperialism is a fascism and militarism, a colonialism and neocolonialism, two world wars, nuclear bombardments of two Japans cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, uncountable bloody regional conflicts and wars, the mortal race of arms, including weapons of peoples mass destruction, imposed to mankind wild outburst of militarism, a chauvinism, a reaction and political obscurantism. This list of imperialism's crimes against mankind is not complete.
The modern capitalism, not changing its classes essence and radical features of exploiting industrial relations, has got a number of features.
  • It carried out the further production and capitals concentration, forming supermonopolies, which are playing a main role not only in economic but also in political life of capitalist states and on global arena.
  • It carried out the more complete unites not only of banks and of industrial capitals but also of states capital. The state-monopoly capitalism and appropriate financial oligarchies were formed with the purpose to receive the maximal capitalistic profits based for ruining and making poor of the broadest raw of workers.
  • The international currency-financial structures are playing increasing main role in the world. They are International Monetary Fond (IMF), World Bank, International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and others. These organizations are ensuring a financial and an economic domination in the world of large imperialist states, a reception of supermonopoly profits, an economic suppression and enslaving of others states especially backward countries by means of increasing US dollar rate and the currency of advanced capitalistic states and decreasing the monetary units of backward economically countries.
  • The international state unions and associations of capitalistic countries were formed in interests of stabilization and strengthening of their economy, easing of economic crises, for suppression of the working movement, for enslavement and regular robbery of people. The most important are "Club Rambouillet" or "The Large Seven", where the main role belongs to the USA which has got the special status of exclusive superstate of the world, the organization of European Unity, the Organization of European Security and Cooperation (OESC), the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the Organization of American States (OAS), the Organization of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (OAPEC) and others which are also used as "belts drive" of the USA policy alongside with financial and economical structures.
  • The military-political blocks of capitalistic states (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO and others) were created with the purpose to preserve and to strength the capitalistic mode of life, to suppress the national-liberation movement of nations, to distract the socialist countries and to change their political and economical structures, to capture another territories for establishment the global domination of large imperialistic states and the USA first of all.
    The history and experience of mankind showed, that the unions and military imperialistic blocks were created not for the peace, but for war. The USA drunk with its power is entering to the twenty first century in a role of international gendarme, using NATO as an alpeen, being covered by a slogan of so-called " a protection of a man's right". The essence of their new global strategy is an intervention in internal affairs of the sovereign states, using the military force, that is the state terrorism in practice.
  • Presidents, parliaments, political parties and movements, international organizations are more and more dependent from financial oligarchy.

The new stage of capitals and production socialization allowed to plant in capitalistic economic more deeply the planning methods of anticyclic regulations, forecasting and programming. The barbarity of former neocolonialism concedes the place to more delicate and more covert forms of peoples exploitation of the backward and dependent countries. An omnipotence of a financial oligarchy evinces not only in feeding of "the working aristocracy" and "the middle classes" but also in feeding the other participants of capitalistic production in advanced capitalistic states. The policy of so-called "socialization" is carried out in these countries that gives an occasion to pseudo-communists to give out and to prove the theory of convergency and the theory of "the Swedish model of socialism" construction and so on, shading the fact, that the means for realization of this policy accrued at the expense of a robbery and super-exploitation of the colonial and dependent countries. Such policy is directed to a depravation and a dissociation of the working class, which creates a mass base of opportunism.
V.I.Lenin and I.V.Stalin are indicating repeatedly that exactly by the virtue of its economic nature the imperialism aspires to split up and to redistribute the world, for expansion and for conquest. The distraction of the Soviet Union and socialist countries of East Europe resulted not to the termination of "the cold war", but to sharp strengthening of imperialism aggression and American aggression first of all. It is resulted with the threats to Russia transformation and the transformation of East Europe countries in semi-colonial states of imperialistic super-states. It is resulted also with coming into existence the new and conservation the old military centers, representing the threat to the international peace and safety. The military machine of NATO is moved up to western borders of Russia. The Baltic East countries, the countries of Transcaucasia, Ukraine, Moldova and Central Asia are involved in "partnership" with NATO. The USA imperialism sees as a real achievable purpose the "independence" from Russia such regions as Northern Caucasus, Ural, Far East and Siberia. The monopolies of the United States, Germany, the Great Britain, Japan and other imperialistic states use the corrupt regimes of the "sovereign" states of the former the USSR for taking in possession the key branches of their economy, take roots into scientific research enterprises, extort scientific-intellectual potential, degrade the economic power and defense capability of these countries. The sharp undermine activity is carried out by the imperialistic states against People's Republic of China, Korean People's Democratic Republic, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, socialist Republic of Cuba. The purpose is to undermine the governing role of the communist parties in these countries, to push them from a socialist way and to impose them a way of capitalistic restoration.
The imperialism created the neo-colonialism system. It tries to expand and to strength the system of peoples' oppression and robbery in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Hundred millions of people in India, Nigeria, Brazil and other countries of the three continents continue to live in horrifying poverty. Economical and political crises shake the countries which were recently pillars of the capitalism in Asia. To keep in bridle of neo-colonialism the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America the imperialism expands a system of military bases and establishes a sphere "of special interests". It involves less developed countries in a race of arms, it kindles enmity and military conflicts between them, it uses against them all means of struggle from an arsenal of neo-colonial strategy.
The arising imperialism in Russia is declared itself by bloody war in the Chechen republic, by genocide of the own people, by attempts to establish under the pretence of integration "spheres of influence" in so called "near foreign countries". There are other aspects of Russian imperialism. These are an actual complicity in NATO expansion to East, a partnership with the USA imperialists in policy of the sanctions against a number of countries, a refusal to support an anti-imperialistic movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America, an actual support of a genocide acting out by Turkey in relation with the Kurds liberation movement, the course associated with the USA to support Israel in its intention to does not allow creation of the independent Palestinian state. With such "track record" Russia intend to enter in the circle of the world influential super-states.
The destruction of the Soviet Union braked essentially the slipping of the capitalist world to the inevitable crushing defeat. It is caused by the objective laws of a history. However the general crisis of the capitalism is going on and the inevitable development of this process is shown both in an economy and in a policy of the global capitalist system. People's Republic of China, Korean People's Democratic Republic, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Republic of Cuba are keeping the socialism achievements. The existence of such countries are narrowing sharply the sphere of the capitalism domination.
The basic attributes of the global capitalism system crisis, which is proceeding now, are the next:
  • the aggravation of contradictions between the Labor and the Capital in the majority of capitalist countries including the USA,
  • an increase of the crises phenomena in the economy of the capitalist states,
  • the people's national-liberation and anti-imperialism movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which very often take forms of the open armed struggle against an oppression and exploitation,
  • an aggravation of the contradictions between the imperialistic states themselves and their groupings headed by the USA, Germany and Japan.

The sharp aggravation of the contradiction between the Labor and the Capital, the prompt absolute people's impoverishment of the former USSR, arose the people's comprehension of the necessity to struggle, the necessity to overthrow the bourgeoisie and to gain the power for proletariat. The victory of the socialist revolution in the territory of the former USSR is the task of the most Soviet people. In this struggle an international solidarity, a moral and political support from some states constructing socialialism, the support from global communist and workers movement and the support from the peoples struggling for their national liberation are very important.
A revisionism and an opportunism are spread out not only through the parties of the USSR territory, but also in majority through the communist parties of Western Europe where the position of the revisionism and the opportunism dominates and has strength. Some communist parties of Western Europe and Asia did not get rid from anti-Stalinism. This situation in international communist and workers movements complicates strictly the struggle against the imperialism. The struggle demands from pure Marx-Lenin's parties consistently expose the opportunism and the revisionism as their accomplices.
The AUCPB considers that its contribution in anti-imperialist struggle is the USSR revival, because the USSR was the mighty stronghold of the peace, the democracy and the socialism. The Bolshevik's Party is in solidarity with the peoples struggling against the imperialism encroachments for their freedom and independence, struggling for the peace and the socialism. The Bolsheviks Party is firmly convinced, that only global anti-imperialist front could remove the threat from the new world war which is resulting of the imperialism aggressive policy.
For a long time all capitalism system was ripening for the socialism revolution. An absolutely indispensable condition of such revolution in any country is the guiding role of the communist party, the type of the Bolshevik's party which is free from any revisionism and any opportunism illnesses. Therefore the problem of struggle with the revisionism and the opportunism in international communist and worker's movement was and is a problem of the vital importance. If the international communist and worker's movement be able to get rid from the revisionism and the opportunism, so from this action in a decisive degree will be depend the ability of the communist parties to play the key role as the driving and guiding force in the peoples' struggle against the imperialism and for the socialism and for the peace.


The AUCPB considers the next main tasks of its activity:
to lead the working class to gain the political power, to establish the proletariat's dictatorship, to the liquidation of private properties for tools and means of production, to put an end of the man by the man exploitation, to the restoration of the socialist society, to the revival of the USSR, to the development of the socialism and to the communism construction. In practical activity the AUCPB and the future the workers'-peasants' state will use all the best which is saved in the global experience of socialism construction, in the theory and the practice of the revolutionary marxism-leninism.
The AUCPB considers that the realization of above mentioned tasks is possible in several stages:
  • the first stage is the struggle for an overthrowing the power of the Capital and for establishing of the proletarian's dictatorship resulted by the socialist revolution,
  • the second stage is a transitive period from the capitalism to the restoration and to the victory of the socialist mode of life in an economy and in socialist public relations,
  • the third stage is a transition from the socialism to the communism.

    At the FIRST STAGE the basic tasks of the Party are:
  1. to overthrow the bourgeoisie's dictatorship and to establish the proletariat's dictatorship in the form of Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Labor intelligence's sharing the proletariat's position and with proletariat's leading role. In the contrast with the bourgeoisie's democracy, hiding the classes character of its state, the Bolsheviks recognize openly the inevitability of classes character of any states, while the division of a society into classes is not disappear. The workers and the peasants state in its essence is the state of the proletariat's dictatorship. The AUCPB considers that any freedom is a deceit if it contradicts the liberation of the Labor from the burden of the Capital and does not deprive exploiters from the right to exploit and to oppress the workers.
  2. a demolition of the state machine serving for oppressors, a demolition of presidents system and connected with it structures of power, a dissolution of the bourgeoisie's parliaments, a concentration at Soviets the legislative and the executive power, a cancellation of all acts of anti-socialist character,
  3. a liquidation of a private property and a restoration of a public property for means of production, an introduction of the total workers-peasants control above the production and the distribution. A nationalization of an industry, banks, transports, lands, entrails and transfer them in a state property, a restoration of the state monopoly of foreign trade. The main law of the society must be the principle: "Who does not work, that does not eat."
  4. a nationalization of all mass media (an electronic, a radio, periodic editions, printing-houses etc.)
  5. a recognition that in classes' society the class struggle penetrates all spheres of a life. In this conditions the AUCPB is guided by Lenin's-Stalin's tenet, that with an establishing of proletariat's dictatorship and during the socialist construction the classes' struggle does not stop, but accepts the new forms.

The basic tasks of the SECOND STAGE of the SOCIALIST REVOLUTION are closely interconnected with the tasks decision of the first stage:
in every possible way strengthening of the proletariat's dictatorship, a consolidation of a working class, a peasantry and a labor intelligence to the close union at a guiding role of a working class. A perfection on this basis the Soviets' of all levels work, a development and an acceptance the new Constitution.
A restoration of all constitutional rights of persons: to a work, to public health services, to an education, to a rest, to a social security, to a dwelling and others, a liquidation of an unemployment.
The communist party as the guiding and the directing force and carrying out the tasks of the second stage should be constantly learn from masses, should be constantly prove its maturity, should be clear its rows from accidental and improper for a work persons, from careerists and camp-followers.
The AUCPB will carry out its guiding role through the system of state bodies - the Soviets and through mass organizations and societies of workers, such as: youth, sports, female, scientific, workers' unions of literature, art, cultural-educational societies, promoting development of persons' political activity and an amateur activity with the goal to satisfy diverse interests of the country citizens.
During the Soviets' power the professional unions being for guard and for protection of the workers' rights and of labor conditions will ensure indissoluble connection between the central guiding bodies of the national economy and the wide sections of the country population. The trade unions participate in management of the country economic affairs and attract to this activity the broad mass of the people which will be at the same time means of struggle with a bureaucratism of the economic and executive state bodies and it will enable to take under workers' control results of production.
it is necessary to restore the socialist scientific-planing system that is the socialist system of commodity-money relations, where the goods are only subjects of people's consumption. The commodity-money relations will be kept while there are two forms of property: the state (nationwide) property and cooperative-collective farms' property . When the last form of property be the nationwide, the commodity-money relation to become extinct, having conceded the place to direct exchange of goods.
The main and the basic task of the Soviet state policy became all and every kind of assistance for development of productive forces.
Because of the deep crisis, into which the country is thrown by the bourgeoisie's counterrevolution a practical task of paramount importance for the party and the state is to provide the population with necessary products of an aliment, with non feed goods of the first necessity, with free of charge health services, with other kinds of social security. The ways of these tasks solving consist in the maximal coalescence of all economic activity of the country in a uniform economic complex with the state regulation, in rational use of all materials, a labor, the power and the national resources, in the across-the-board and effective workers'-peasants' control of production and distribution of all made public product.
With the purpose of the society's economic life adjustment the Soviet authority is called to strengthen planning, executive and labor discipline. The increase of work productivity and decrease of production cost price become the basic plan-estimated parameters. It will cause reduction of the wholesale and retail prices and increase of production quality. The introduction of advanced engineering and technology in industries, the increase common and professional training, the preparing and retraining the staff, inventions, shock-worker movement and Stakhanovite movement become the main sources of increasing productivity of work.
The distribution of the boons in a society will be carried out according to the socialism principle: "From everyone- by ability, to everyone- by made work", by quantity, quality and efficiency of work.
With the purposes of economic stabilization it is necessary to realize some financial reforms: the reform of prices with their reduction, the reform of wages of all worker categories, ensuring growth of their real incomes without supposing a wage-leveling, the realization the policy of exception the foreign currency from using in internal manipulation in the country, the state monopoly restoration for production and sale the alcohol and tobacco products.
In the sphere of the AGRICULTURE,
the socialist agriculture showed to all world the vitality and the progressiveness of its production in comparison with the other forms of agriculture production. During the after war period the soviet agriculture, having much smaller technical equipment in collective farms and in ten times smaller capital investments, than in advanced capitalist countries, ensured to provide the highest in the world a year's temps of production increasing. At usual high (more than twice) rates of agriculture production increasing, the efficiency of the socialist agriculture production is higher than in capitalist states over an order.
Determining its policy in the sphere of the agriculture, the AUCPB presumes, that the land, the bowels of the earth, forests, waters have to be in state's possession. The Land will be returned in termless usage to collective farms, state farms, to other agricultural enterprises and agencies. The Land can not be the object of the purchase or the sale.
Among the main tasks are put forward the next:
  • the restoration of the organization of the socialist agricultural economy and the restoration of state farms and collective farms for the earth public using,
  • the restoration of agricultural structures' financial functioning sufficiency and development by means of parity prices maintenance for industrial and agricultural goods,
  • the ending of food intervention by the Western countries and maintenance the national food safety of the country,
  • the ending of unreasonable withdrawal of the incomes from agrarian sector,
  • the state mobilization and the restoration of all agricultural forces for acceptance vigorous measures for increasing the agricultural culture and the productivity of fields,
  • the creation of uniform agroindustrial branch responsible for organization of the help to collective and state farms in a harvesting, a storage, a reduction of crops losses, a reprocessing of agricultural production, in transportation to places of storage and to trade network.

The Soviet authority will ensure an effective the land-utilization and the utilization of state and collective farms properties. The socialist state will supply collective farms and state farms with high quality equipment and implements and will assist in the development of its infrastructure. To clean up the collective and state farms from any care about very expensive agricultural equipment, to provide accomplished service of such equipment for the increasing its profitability the state stations of the agricultural help will be reconstructed with the extended functions of former machine-tractor stations. These new stations will become bases of highly skilled technical help for state and collective farms, the bases of the new agricultural accomplishments introduction and of high agricultural production culture.
The Soviet authority will ensure the realization of necessary measures for the rapprochement conditions of work in cities and villages by means of complete electrification, an installation of telephones in villages, a wide spreading of television broadcasting and at economic validity an installation of a gas supplying to villages. In a countryside tempos of housing funds updating will be approached as much as possible to the urban standards which have to take into account a specificity of a countryside. The special attention will have to be given to construction objects of social purposes, these are hospitals, schools, shops, clubs, roads and so on.
In a countryside policy the AUCPB will lean on broad masses of the workers, uniting and rallying them through party organizations, trade unions pulling them all of every kind together with urban population and strengthening this union, pulling out the workers from the influence of petty- bourgeoisie's interests. The AUCPB acts against any forms of exploitation tendencies in the countryside. The state will cooperate with an individual enterprises through agricultural cooperation in cases where farming is caused by national tradition and the economical practicability.
The socialist cooperation of all kinds will be extremely working without hiring labor using. It will be supplied with equal managing conditions with the state enterprises.
In places especially where the earth is poor for agricultural production it will be stimulated in accordance with local conditions such kinds of activity as aviculture, breeding fur, local handicrafts cooperation, a woodworking and so forth.
The state will render the practical help to all citizens to get in usage the earth areas for vegetable gardens and a gardening, considering such activity as a way of a health strengthening, a rest, a dialogue with a nature, a family rallying.
The Soviet state will continue the implementation of the Stalin's plan of a nature transformation directed for struggle with drought, with swamped soil, with the salinization of soil. In steppe and forest-steppe natural zones, in zones of barbarous forest cutting the afforesting will be carried out.
Only in the time of socialism and the communism the man becomes zealous owner of the country riches and first of all the natural riches. The socialism only can relieve the world from ecological catastrophes, a pollution of an environment and its depredation.
the AUCPB considers a national problem in indissoluble connection with a general problem of the revolution and perspectives of the revolution. In present concrete-historical conditions it means that the decision of the national problem in our country is possible to solve not by the bourgeoisie's reforms, but only through the restoration of the socialist social system.
The Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, the Soviet multinational state, will be restored on a basis of woluntariness and complete nations' equality, on the base of the Soviet Power and on the base the socialist social system, which will put the end to the national and the ethnic conflicts, the national oppression and national enmity.
The AUCPB acts for the nations' right to self-determination up to making separation by its own will and formation of its own independent national state. The question of separation expediency should be solved in each case by the nation independently, from the point of view of proletariat's interests classes' struggle for the socialism.
The AUCPB will aspire to create the state as large as possible because it is favorable to workers, carrying out simultaneously the policy of drawing together all people in the workers' fraternal union of all nations. In this state it will be possible for them to realize in complete freedom the development in full scale their national cultures, languages, customs.
It is necessary to oppose all forms of nationalism and nationalism-chauvinism in its various actions such as Pan-Islamism and Pan-Slavism and others. The classes' solidarity of workers should be opposed to the nationalism and the chauvinism. Zionism is an instrument of the imperialist's struggle against national-liberation movements. Therefore it is necessary to conduct a consecutive and principle struggle with the exposure of Zionism. 7
Lenin-Stalin's concept of the soviet socialistic patriotism and people's friendship is life-giving and unconquerable. This concept is the powerful weapon in the struggle for the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic revival.
the AUCPB being the atheistic party, asserting materialistic point of view acts for the separation the church from the state and the school from the church. All traditional religious confessions have the equal rights. The sphere of their activity is limited with religious functioning only. All cult buildings are announced the public properties and can be transferred to the religious confessions only by rent conditions. Any interreligious enmity is pursued by the law. Each citizen has the right to profess any religion or does not profess any.
The AUCPB is guided by a believe that the active participation of the working population in public-economic and cultural activity will result to gradual finishing of religious prejudices. The antireligious and atheistic propaganda should help to realize the same purpose.
Any insult of believers' feelings is inadmissible as it will cause only to the religious fanaticism.
In the sphere of SOCIAL POLICY
the AUCPB will be carry out all it will be needed in interests of the man of work by the socialist transformation of economy, guaranteeing to everyone the right for work. The unemployment will be liquidated in the country. The poverty, the vagabondage, the children homelessness will be liquidated too. It will be provided the general employment to all able-bodied population with public-useful labor. All real estate will be audited in the country. All real estate, acquired by illegal ways, will be expropriated and will be transferred at the disposal of the local bodies of the Soviet authority for use in the public purposes.
The main tasks of the Soviet authority are:
  • the decision of housing problem,
  • the restoration of free-of-charge national education,
  • the restoration of free-of-charge public health service,
  • the restoration of the motherhood and the childhood protection.
  • the restoration of the social services for providing the worthy life for persons in old age and for persons who lost their ability to work,
  • the restoration of all sport and cultural structures qualitative work.

The state will support and will create the favorable conditions for cooperatives activities, using the pensioners' labor and labor of the people with the limited work capacity and invalids, if they wish to work.
In the sphere of the MILITARY AFFAIRS,
proclaiming the peace and the friendship between the nations, the AUCPB at the same time recognizes, that reliable guarantor of the Soviet state freedom, the independence and the security become the Soviet Armed Forces, which there is a flesh from flesh of the working people, created for proletariat protection.
At the first stage the Armed Forces will reorganized and will be formed from armymen and volunteers from the workers and the peasants, devoted to the socialism.
The Soviet Armed Forces, as the instrument of the proletariat dictatorship, will have strictly class character and to be formed on the base of compulsory military service.
The military pre-conscription training will be obligatory for all capable man's population of the country.
For creating in the Armed Forces the conscious military discipline, for the political education of the army staff dedicated to proletariats' affairs the institute of political commissars will be put in action. The political commissars will be taken from the most self-denying, political competent communists having experience in the Armed Forces service.
The military-industrial complex of the country will be restored in limits and volumes necessary for creating the reliable defense system of the country.
The service in the Armed Forces becomes a honorable duty.
In the sphere of EXTERNAL POLICY
the main tasks of the party at the present stage are
  • the restoration of the USSR,
  • the restoration an integrity of the USSR,
  • the strengthening of the national sovereignty,
  • the transformation of the USSR in great powerful superstate.

The external policy of the socialist state should be supported by powerful economy, by powerful military-industrial complex and Armed Forces capable to crush any aggressor.
The AUCPB considers that the solid base for the restoration of the uniform multinational state could only be the socialist mode of life. In the final account the any other decisions will turn back to new oppressions for the labor people, as they do not go in a channel of the objective laws of the public development.
The headstone of AUCPB external policy was, is and will be the principle of the proletarian internationalism. The AUCPB considers that in a rallying and in a cooperation with all groups of global communist movement, clean from an opportunism and a revisionism, is the major condition for success in struggle with the aggression of the international capital, for a celebration of Marx-Lenin's communist ideas and ideals.
The AUCPB is firm in policy of the peace strengthening and the international safety of the world. The classes solution of this policy is determined by the Bolshevik's solid reliance in their historically and objective predetermined superiority over the capitalism and to prove this conception the war is not necessary.
The AUCPB struggle for the liquidation in the world the nuclear and other weapon of people's mass distraction and it will give the resolute rebuff to all warmongers, it will be achieving their isolation and neutralization by joint actions of peaceful forces.
After the restoration the socialist mode of life in our country the policy of the peace coexistence with capitalist states, the policy of development the mutually profitable cooperation with them will be continued and strengthened. This policy understood as a form of classes struggle in the sphere of international relations, in dialectic interaction with a principle of the proletarian internationalism will serve as a strong base for international peace, for major guarantee of the peoples' strengthening safety.
Consistently acting in protection and for the observance of inherent rights and freedom of man, the AUCPB punctuates attention to classes' character of the concept "rights and the freedom of man". During discussions of this problematic in the Organization of the United Nations and in other international organizations the Soviet state will be expose sharper such phenomena, inherent from capitalism as an unemployment, refuges, ignoring of people's life social conditions etc. The worker-peasant's state will resolutely stop attempts to use the problem "of the rights of the man" for intervention in the internal affairs of the state.
The explanation of stability Lenin's doctrine about the imperialism as the highest and the last capitalism's stage, the disclosing the aggressive its essence and new forms of its acting in modern conditions including the external relations are got the large urgency.


The major communism principles were theoretically developed by Carl Marx and Fridrich Engels in the middle forties of nineteenth century on the basis of public development objective laws, which were opened up by them. For the first time the communist principles received the practical realization and further development during the Great October Socialist Revolution and socialist construction in the USSR on the basis of the Marxist theory which was developed further by V.I.Lenin and I.V.Stalin.
In their theory formulation C.Marx and F.Engels demonstrated a proposition, that the socialist mode of life was growing up from the capitalism on the base of the large machine industry originated the working class which is a social force maximally and to the end interested in socialist society transformation and in the world people's life internationalization.
"Between the capitalist and the communist societies there is a period of revolutionary transformation the first into the second. To this period corresponds the period of political transformation, and the state of this period may be no other but only the state of revolutionary proletariat's dictatorship." 8
The economic basis of a socialist society is composed by the public property for tools and means of production. The political base is composed by the Soviets of workers' and peasants' deputies.
During the socialism period (the first phase of the communism) the public property for tools and means of production is acting in two forms: the state property and the property of cooperative-collective farms. Subjects and the services of individual and family consumption represent a personal property of citizens.
The economic laws of the socialism are the next:
  • the law of systematic proportional development of the national economy,
  • the law of distribution by labor from public funds of consumption,
  • the law of primary growth production of the means of production. The law provided continuos growth of the public production,
  • the law of the steady growth of the labor productivity and others.

The basic economical law of the socialism is " to provide the maximal satisfaction of constantly growing material and cultural needs of all society by the continuous growth and perfection the socialist production on the basis of the highest engineering." 9
"At the highest phase of the communist society when the man's enslavement disappear and when the submission of a man to labor separation disappear, when along with this the contrast between intellectual and physical labor disappear, when the labor finishes to be the only means for life and the labor becomes the first need of life itself, when together with all-round development of individuals the producing forces be grown up and when all sources of the public plentifulness pour down with complete flow, only then it will be possible perfectly to overcome the narrow horizon of bourgeoisie's right and the society will be able to right on its banner the slogan: "The everyone by ability, to everyone by needs." 10
When the socialism win in the country the concrete program will be developed for transition to the highest phase of the public-economic formation - to the communism.


The AUCPB has no other interests except the care of the workers' welfare, the revival of our great multinational Motherland - the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic, the preservation of the peace, the friendship and safety of the people, the construction of the socialism and the communism.
"The communists considers the act of disdain to hide their ideas and intentions. They declare openly, that their purposes can be achieved only by violent overturn the all existing public system of life...
"THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE!" C.Marx and F.Engels. 11


1 V.I.Lenin. "The next tasks of the Soviet authority." Compl. Collect of works, vol.36.  back

2 I.V.Stalin. "To questions of Leninism", section 7.  back

3 Among the participants "of the fifth column" it is necessary to note "The people-labor union" (PLU) , the union of Russians men of a solidarity - it is nowadays an influential SHADOW political party in Russian Federation, an active developer of overwhelming majority programs by "reforming of Russia", the founder of the political programs practically of all "democratic" parties in the period of Gorbachev's "perestroyka". The PLU is the ideological successors of Russian emigration consisted from the White Army officers and monarchists. In one of its first program document of the PLU (1934) was written "... the only possibility to disposal of Russia is complete and unconditional destruction of the bolshevism. The struggle against the bolshevism can not be suspended by any circumstances, even by war."
The PLU also incorporated in its members all dissentering and elite intelligency of the USSR. Nowadays active members of the PLU are the majority of the political figures of the Russian ruling elite.
The historical information.
From the moment of its formation in 1933 the PLU cooperated actively with retaliatory bodies of fascist Germany (SS, Abwehr and Gestapo), providing them the staff for intelligence and diversion activity in the territory of the USSR. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the members of the PLU took an active part in it as the German spies, saboteurs, provocateurs and chastisers. They occupied military and political posts in SS, Abwehr and Gestapo and provided officers and ideological staff to Vlasov's army, Russian Liberation Army (RLA) which structurally was part of SS army.
During Gorbacev's time the PLU was legalized (1989) with headquarters in Moscow.
The symbol of the PLU is the white-blue-red tricolor which was the bloody ways sign of Black-Hundred's pogrom-makers at the time of Nicholas the Second and White Armies. In August of 1944 at Prague Conference of the Committee for Russian liberation (CRL) the tricolor in accordance with personal Hitler's direction was handed as battlefield banner to PLA. Hence from this moment the tricolor received the status of fascist symbolic.
In infringement of all moral and legal norms the ruling regime tries to impose to Russia this tricolor as the State Flag.

4 The import of a grain, basically carried political instead of economic character. Especially it is characteristic for the period of the "perestroyka". So in 1990 year 44 millions tons of grain were purchased abroad. But at the same time 172 millions tons were not claimed from the crop of 240 millions tons.
The policy of deliberate discredit of the socialist agriculture ensured the main reason of "reformers" about the necessity of radical reforms in the agriculture with subsequent requirement to legalize the purchase-sale of lands, the main riches of the Motherland.

5 The interethnic conflicts in Fergana, Mount Charabakh, Osset republic, Abkhasia, Republic on Dnestr, Chechen republic were organized and circumvented played in the "reformer's" time Gorbachev's "democrats" eagering for the power and which mainly were from the elite intelligency.  back

6 V.I.Lenin, " Elections to Constituent Assembly and proletariat's dictatorship.", Compl. Collect. of works, vol. 40, section 6. back

7 In its activity the AUCPB acts against Zionism qualifying it as extremely right Jewish nationalism - nazism, as the most aggressive shock force of modern imperialism. Thus the AUCPB sharply condemns any actions of anti-Semites as these actions are a product of Zionism provocateur's activity.  back

8 C.Marx and F Engels. "The criticism of Got program.", works, v. 19, section 4.  back

9 I.Stalin. "The economic problems of the socialism in the USSR", section 7.  back

10 C.Marx and F.Engels, "The criticism of Got program.", works, v. 19, section 1.   back

11 C.Marx and F.Engels, "The manifest of the communist party.",works, v.4, section 4.  back
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